Update from the EFFS Board members:
France: funeral ceremonies allowed with up to 20 people; total deaths 28,000; state of emergency extended to July 10, 2020
Sweden: waiting period for funerals increased from normal 24 days to 30 days; no embalming; all deceased body bags mandatory; total deaths 4,200 thereof 3,900 in last 10 weeks with 50% in Stockholm; funerals with max. 50 persons allowed; viewing allowed
Italy: many restrictions and regulations lifted as of May 11, 2020; funerals allowed with up to 15 persons; COVID-19 deceased - forbidden to dress the deceased body, show and view it, closed coffin; total deaths 34,000; mortality rate returning to normal rate
Germany: steps toward normality throughout the country; major problem federalism; each of 16 counties can make own decisions on regulations and restrictions; total deaths 8,000; normal daily mortality rate in comparison 2,500 deaths; funerals limited depending on county from family members only to max. 50 persons; PPE shortage for funeral professionals and hospitals
Spain: mortality rate started returning to normal numbers beginning of April; since mid-May at normal rate; steps back to normality in four phases (0-4) with two-week intervals; most municipalities in phase 1 with Barcelona and Madrid at phase 0; total deaths 28,000 with no more outbreaks; new infections low; funerals with max. 10 persons; funeral faculties can only operate at 30% of max. capacity
Portugal: state of emergency lifted end of April; 29,000 positive COVID cases, 1,200 deaths, 4% of cases died due to COVID and 24% were COVID infected; max. 10 people at any gathering; nationwide decision by members of Portuguese Funeral Association not to practice the tradition of vigils; bereaved can view deceased 30-40 minutes before funeral
Austria: closing of borders caused problems; schools and shops have re-opened; funerals up to 30 persons allowed; variations depending on size of facility (10m² per person); 500 total deaths; digitalisation and streaming services increased substantially; revenue down by 25% due to less services being purchased for funerals
Slovakia: outdoor funeral allowed; up to 5 persons; total deaths 24 nationwide; government closed borders, airports, schools, churches; moving towards normality in four phases with the country now at phase 3; schools re-opening in June; PPE becoming difficult; COVID19 infected body bag mandatory
Norway: lockdown since March 13, 2020, epicentre Oslo; reduced revenue at funerals; max. 50 people; total deaths 235; mortality rate including COVID deceased less than same time last year; re-opening commencing; Norwegian production of PPE; streaming services well received